Brooke has made it through this year, much to my amazement. Last October-November 2010 her vet and I both thought she was ready for help going over the rainbow bridge. Something in my heart said "No, not yet" and I took her home again with a prescription for pain meds to treat her arthritis. I decided to look for a second dog, opened my mind, and 8 week old Thor presented himself. Having energetic boxer puppy Thor in the house was a challenge for Brooke, but soon Thor energized Brooke and she has made it through another year. She must be approaching 14 years old as she was 8 years when I rescued her and we have been together nearly six years now. She obviously is aging rapidly but she still enjoys the life of a black and white border collie with her barking, herding and working to outsmart Thor pup who is now 14 months old. Thor and I love Miss Brooke. After a little TLC and medical treatment and a good diet, Brooke fully recovered the ailments that plagued her when she was rescued six years ago, and her fur has fully covered her back again. A grateful girl, Brooke is a good dog.